Design and excellence

Maxhotel represents an established reality in the Contract sector. Quality in service, execution and choice of materials. Sophisticated design and true passion for details.

For over thirty years we have been developing and implementing Contract projects, made-to-measure solutions of pure Italian craftsmanship.

Because attention to detail always makes the difference.

Discover the company







Design and excellence

Maxhotel represents an established reality in the Contract sector. Quality in service, execution and choice of materials. Sophisticated design and true passion for details.

For over thirty years we have been developing and implementing Contract projects, made-to-measure solutions of pure Italian craftsmanship.

Because attention to detail always makes the difference.







Discover the company


We have always collaborated with leading contract companies to offer the best service available on the market.

We are always looking for cross-sectoral contaminations to bring design know-how from one sector to another, in order to improve our products.

The world of Maxhotel Contract

The experience we’ve gained over the years has positioned us as a successful company within the domestic market and allowed us to expand to other European states and to Africa and South America.

Go to the portfolio

The experience we’ve gained over the years has positioned us as a successful company within the domestic market and allowed us to expand to other European states and to Africa and South America.

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The world of Maxhotel Contract

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